I have made an important decision.
I hate The Huffington Post. And you should too.
It’s this Edwards obsession that really did it to me.
OK. I get it. John Edwards had sex with a lady, not his wife, in 2006, before he relaunched his campaign. Maybe he fathered a kid.
Frankly, big whoop.
Who is John Edwards, right now? Is he a public official? Is he even a candidate for anything? No.
Yet the bloggers of the HuffPo go on-and-on, making stuff up out of ifs and whats. Tearing their hair, rending their garments. Doing all the Republicans’ work for them. Even tearing down other liberal sites in the process, for the sin of not obsessing like they do. Then complaining that the Republicans are doing this to them, when in fact they’re doing it to themselves.
I’m not the only person who doesn’t care.
There is so much else going on in the world. We have lost our ability
to deter Russia. There’s still a campaign to be waged, and a choice to
be made, between two candidates who actually are running. The economy is still in the tank, the air keeps getting dirtier, millions are dieing because of a lack of health coverage, education stinks.
Arianna Huffington is a celebrity-obsessed divorcee (she got her money by sleeping with a wingnut) whose narcissism
makes Edwards’ look like a mild infatuation. She has less message
control than the Clinton campaign. Her site is all about the people on
TV, or what’s on TV, or what might be on TV next. It’s a never-ending
cocktail party, a caricature of Democrats out of William Safire’s
It has become, in fact, the Democratic Party’s worst enemy.
There’s a reason the Obama campaign is so tightly-controlled,
tautly-messaged, and run out of Chicago, which gets hot in the summer,
cold in the winter, and thinks Bill Murray is a big celebrity. The
Huffington wing of the party is a dead loser. Even getting close to it
is to court political death.
Republicans know how to run a sex scandal. You express remorse, you
offer forgiveness of the sinner, and then you Shut The Fuck Up. Mostly
the latter. It’s really amazing. David Vitter is still in the U.S.
Senate — no action was even taken against him. Larry Craig survived.
Troy King got caught with a live boy in his bed and he got past it.
Why? Discipline. The discipline Arianna Huffington and her cohorts
lack entirely, either in their political lives or personal lives. I’ll
bet at least half those morons who have written there about Edwards’ in
the last three days have had affairs of their own, and half of those
are keeping those affairs secret from their loved ones right now.
If the Democratic Party is to be worthy of the public’s trust it
must stop running circular firing squads. It must acquire the kind of
message discipline the Obama campaign has demonstrated over the last
year. And if I could offer that campaign one piece of advice for the
rest of this year, and into the next Administration, it would be to
treat Arianna Huffington and her little friends like you treat Fox